[…] Trotz in alle Richtungen denkender Spielfreude bleibt „Words Of Prey“ ein in sich geschlossenes Werk, in dem jedes Stück Psych, Garage und Country seinen Platz hat.“

Visions Magazin

[…] we’re dealing with an incredibly addictive record full of mesmeric musical flashes.


[…] Highlighting in opener ‚Radiant Smiles‘, the gloomy blueser ‚Be Good‘ and ‚Two Dozen Eyes‘ this album is an absolute must-have for old school rockers and psych-fans. […]Germany’s Dead Man’s Eyes do something highly enjoyable with rock music.


[…] Als hätten Dead Man’s Eyes das absolute Sudoku des auf vorgebliche Lesbarkeit getrimmten Psychrocks geknackt.

– Amusio


Words Of Prey was released in cooperation with Tonzonen Records. It’s availible as white marbled, gatefold vinyl and CD. Selfmade Shirts and bags featuring the albums artwork are also availible. Get it here.

Press / Rider


E-Mail: deadmanseyes[a]gmx.de

Words of Prey  artwork created by Bennett Evergreen, III artwork created by a azuradaze